Why are Koreans so good at this game?

first of all i didnt ask the question so u need to read better and chill the fuck out.

lol. ill concede this point but you're still arguing about about the same type of shit.

Second we're talking about financial infrastructure leading to creating the best players, it doesnt matter which game were talking about.

It absolutely does matter. There are games in Korea that Koreans aren't good at. Those games don't have the same infrastructure that big e-Sports inside of Korea have. BroodWar was a game that was part of KeSPA. Do you even understand what KeSPA is or was, more specifically, with regards to their BroodWar involvement?

Competitive Broodwar from around 2005-2010 had things like:

No place outside of Korea had any of this. Broodwar players outside of Korea quite literally could not get the practice hours that players inside of Korea could, with respect to quality and quantity.

The infrastructure in Korea is not only being caught up by the rest of the world

We're talking about why Koreans are good at Broodwar. League of legends isn't relevant. Even still, the infrastructure isn't really catching up that much. People try to imitate it but it's nowhere near as close to how things work in Korea.

This infrastructure and the financial backing allows it to be a viable career path within Korea. That didn't happen outside of Korea.

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