We are living in a period of human history where people actually have to argue that males are males and females are females. That's the closest we can get from an Idiocracy.

Good lord, the anti-trans circlejerk never stops on this site, does it? You anti-trans, anti-PC people are more obsessed with being trans than most trans people I know. Give it a fucking rest. It's boring. No one cares about how lonely and angry you are besides yourselves. That's your" issue, but you direct your anger outwards instead of trying to fix what's wrong with yourselves. No one is taking your bad faith arguments seriously - most observers think you anti-trans people are just being hateful for no reason other than some internal psychological issues that make you act out with hostility. Hostility that is *way out of proportion to the actual issue you're obsessed with. You're letting your weird, misplaced anger and hostility define you. You should really make more of your limited time on the planet than just hating random people you never met for the crime of not being exactly like you. Your obsession is really unattractive, it sure won't make women like you.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread