Why are so many facebook statuses "me too", today?

Trump enters into the equation because the people who had an opposing view felt that they could not express that view, which is why the polls showed Hillary winning. They went to the polls and voted in secret, and spoke their mind. Trump won.

Unfortunately, this has a lot to do with politics. One side is, "we need to support women who have been wronged." The other side is simply beating up on men for the sake of beating up on men. Men are rapists, and we live in a rape culture, and we need to stop men from doing bad things. We need to educate men not to rape. We need to smash the patriarchy.

This affects men beyond the act of helping women because it doesn't stop at helping rape victims. We loosen our outrage to be against sexual harassment and loosen sexual harassment to where fairly innocuous acts could be interpreted as sexual harassment. I am far from the only one to point this out today, and it's not about "derailing the dialog," because holy fuck, it's a monologue if the only allowed views are, "rape is bad," and "no, rape is SUPER bad."

There's also this: http://reason.com/blog/2017/03/01/moral-outrage-is-self-serving

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