Why are so many people here positive when there are MASSIVE issues with this launch?

But the problem is that a good amount of people who had interest in the game will lose interest because they can't access the game and see what makes it good. It's like I'm telling you there's a restaurant that's known worldwide for it's delicious food, but you can't go there to eat because the place has been closed for several days in a row now and it's hard to tell when the owner will open back up.

Most people who will stick with the game were the ones who have already played. The people who have tried the restaurant will know about it and will want to come back anyway. Meanwhile, the people who haven't tried the product (whom Carbine needs to attract) will likely forget about it, and possibly never ask, or even think, about it in the near future.

Even if Carbine got all the players who tried the pre-release beta or unsubbed to stay through the re-launch issues, it would still likely be a low player count, compared to many other MMOs out on the market. FFXIV has probably over a million players actively subbing. SWTOR probably is within 500k-1 mil players, including F2P. The longer this lasts, the more players Carbine potentially loses.

This weekend is the first weekend of the re-launch that turned it into a F2P game. If this lasts past Sunday, I'm willing to bet the number of interested people will have dropped a fair amount. Maybe not half, but in Carbine's case, can you really afford losing out on potential sales? Each lost customer is a possibly lost sale. Some might come back months later, some might come back in a couple weeks. If you fail to secure them now, you have a chance of losing them forever. Better to keep their interest while you can.

/r/WildStar Thread Parent