Are me and my sister terrible children to our parents?

This entire post is full of cringe.

It is very lucky to grow up in a healthy environement with two loving parents that love each other AND their kids.

If you just browse through this sub it’s a full of children that grew up with divorced parents, parents that constantly faught, helicopter parents, over-bearing parents, etc.

Your parents ate dinner with you every single week night * Your parents *always asked about your day * Your parents *didnt fight and loved each other * Your parents *gave you space to be independent and make a relationship with your sibling

Yes they went on date nights on the weekend, but honestly, wouldn’t a 13 year old rather enjoy their own hobbies and hang out with their friends then sit around with their parents?

You had a two week long family vacation every single year with your parents!!

Yes, your parents could have spent more time with you growing up, but in the end the same conclusion would come. You would grow up, move out, and of course see them as “just parents” you see occasionally. That’s just part of growing up.

If they would have spent all their free time with you and your sister, it could have led to family fighting, or even overbearing/helicopter parenting.

You grew up in a healthy, loving family from that sounds of it. You even said you were suffocated by their love

This honestly sounds so bratty. Your just looking for reasons to feel special.

/r/relationships Thread