Why are men always interested in someone romantically/sexually and like,,, not friend with women

Wanted to jump in on your comment and just mention one thing, cause something similar did happen to me at some point. I befriended a woman, we were pretty close and ended up talking for hours on end. When i eventually expressed interest she was offended. But there is one thing you guys don't seem to understand. Friendships between males don't (normally.. i guess there are always exceptions) entail talking for hours on end and disclosing all our deep emotions and thoughts... this is what man do with their love interests, so its a natural progression for a man that if the friendship starts going that way chances are they will start developing feelings else they wouldn't be allowing themselves to be that vulnerable to begin with. I understand that between women friendships those kind of heart to heart talks and long winded discussions are common place, but again these is not the norm for men. hope i'm not offending anyone by saying this.

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