Are men just better at science than women?

You are presenting a false equivalency. Bill Cosby doesn't sell books or gives lectures about round earth-ism. He is not spouting an unpopular opinion.

Secondly Peterson is an academic, so he should know the point of peer review and scientific consensus, so for him to deny climate change means he is speaking out against academia while also using it as a shield. It makes his 'findings' far more suspect, which is why his opinions on climate change should absolutely be mentioned when he is presenting his academic findings.

Third, he is stating that Sweden is the most egalitarian place on Earth but with out much follow through. Does he attempt to prove that Sweden is some magical place on earth where they managed to remove all implicit and institutional biases through policy and culture and it has been this way for the entirety of the current workforce's lifespan. Because that should be his starting point if he is going to point at the census and Sweden's egalitarianism to prove his point.

But he doesn't do that? No. He just puts enough background into it so he can get hired for speaking gigs at worldwide conservative functions. Same way he talks about global warming.

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