Are millennials killing the happiness industry??

Yeah exactly.

Not only that, one of my best friends never went a day of school at university and makes twice as much as me with my Bachelor's as a freelance coder. Because he actually applied himself and coded. Entry level intern at first in a healthcare staffing group then went off on his own doing custom software.

Not only that, who the fuck drops out completely for finances? I've heard this before and it makes no sense. College credits don't just expire after 1 month or something. Finish out your semester which you've already paid for, or withdraw for family hardships if you must. Either way you keep you banked 3 years and return ASAP when finances allow or you can get a new loan to finish the degree. Unless, of course, you haven't applied yourself at all and have no aptitude at computer science in the first place and shouldn't have been in the major....

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