Are Movie Lawyers Realistic?

Depends. In some cases the workload is way too significant for one lawyer to adequately handle -- people with money can fund a whole team of lawyers and support staff. For example everybody has heard a story about an over-burdened defense attorney being handed over the keys to a room full of hundreds of thousands of documents with one day to sort through them all to find the relevant information. Somebody who's rich can pay a whole team of people to dig through that stuff.

Some types of issues are much more complex and therefore much more expensive to resolve than others. Discovery and production can be incredibly expenses.

If your question is whether being rich means you have access to God-Tier lawyers who have an IQ of 200+, have memorized every law that exists, and can utter magic words to condescendingly crush any opponent they go up against, the answer is no. That doesn't happen in real life.

/r/legaladvice Thread