Why are MRAs generally considered enemies in social justice circles?

To be fair, they tried to get a "men's studies" course started at a University in Australia

No, they tried to get a "male studies" program installed alongside a number of other graduate level courses. Two of the proposed courses would be taught by lecturers well known for their hardline anti-feminist views and their frequent contributions to men's rights websites and publications.

but the Women's study's faculty apprised it and protested it so much that they were forced to cancel it.

The proposed courses were never approved, so the university was never 'forced' to cancel anything. And it wasn't just women's studies profs who were opposed to the proposed courses; they were pretty generally disliked.

And, since I'm here, I might as well point out that almost every major university in North America (not to mention universities in other parts of the world) offer undergraduate or graduate level courses on men and masculinities. Such courses can be found in sociology, psychology and women's studies departments all over the continent. There are entire textbooks devoted to examinations of men's lives, peer-reviewed academic journals dedicated exclusively to the same, and many, many researchers all around the world who study men and men's issues. None of these efforts have anything to do with the men's rights movement, except to point out that group as one organized primarily around anti-feminist ideology, as opposed to constructively examining men's lives.

I sometimes feel that people on this site who talk about gender are operating - at best - with a high-school level of knowledge, or maybe a single semester of college. The study of men and masculinities has been an ongoing project since at least the 1980s in academia, with mountains and mountains and mountains of empirical research behind it. It's a well developed, methodologically rigorous and reliable field of inquiry, but to hear reddit talk about it, you'd think that no one, anywhere - ever - has even looked at men.

/r/socialjustice101 Thread