Are my expectations too high?

I am afraid I was already being very much a wall of text. Time this week was discussed a week in advance, and any time I go to the gym, it is when I take a kid to an activity, then picking the kid up on the way home. 90% of the time, she sits on the couch and watches tv during those times.

For the business, It was something we discussed. Talked about the time commitment. She knew it is my lifelong dream to have my own business. She agreed, then after about a month, she caved and said it was too hard. In all honesty, she had tried to start her own business for the last several years (she was a SAHM, then decided to start this when the kids were older. It never took off. I believe her true heartache was that mine was succeeding where hers flopped).

I tried many years of living without any boundaries. It got to the point where I had no friends, never did a hobby, lived my life waiting for this busy phase to end, only to have the next one start. I was beyond miserable. We talked at length, went to both individual and marital counseling. Both counselors said, she takes advantage, I need boundaries. It just sucks that I need to guard myself in my own marriage.

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