Why are my PT scores declining?

yay something Ive experienced personally. Heres what I have to say:   First of all, good improvement 146-164   Im glad you mentioned your sleeping habits, always the first thing I ask about. Continue to make sure you are sleeping well. It truly effects your RC score.   Looking at your scores I think 164-158 is more like your band and you just have 1 bad 152.   I don't think 3 is a large enough sample to denote a real correlation. BUT you may be in a small slump and its ok to admit it to yourself.   If you've ever played baseball, you have probably heard this saying: there is only one way to get out of a slump. Thats batting your way out of it!   But you can't just take PT after PT like a little lsat drone. Now is the time to develop your own reflection framework.   And when I say reflection framework I don't just mean the LSAT. I literally started a separate tab for short journaling so I can better track my emotions and mental state. Im assuming you already have a spreadsheet(divided into PT, LG, LR, RC) where you log your scores and dates   Furthermore, I found understanding how I tended to approach LG problems(for example), (I was the kinda dipshit who loooooves making anything I don't understand a sequencing game, anything and everything i love sequencing)   By notating this, I gained a stronger insight on myself. I then would actually log the ones I really fucked up on or cost me greatly. I would log: how i approached it, how i fucked up, how JY does it and any other notes i found relevant. I would skim over this before I practiced LG.   Eventually I adopted modified versions of this for RC/LR its not as crisp of an explanation though sorry. You will have to improvise. Thats why I'm talking about LG when you don't need to improve it, its a framework.   Back to journalling: I would also essentially name the various epochs that occurred within my psyche, being able to define a month with a nickname/historical figure I relate to(good or bad) helped speed up my understanding of my lsat process. In fact this username is a phonetic slur on a historical law figure i like :)   Moving on->>>   other things that helped me a lot:   1. for like a month I got an lsat tutor, My score didn't improve much with them, however, I had actually mislearned a ton from kaplan. I have terrible ADHD, specifically my executive function(which makes it hard for me to learn and execute new methods). The work I did with said tutor laid the foundation for plateaus I broke later without them.   2.You talked about Powerscore Bibles in another post. Like I said LOG what type of question you miss and where it is present within the section(i didn't say this earlier but do this!). You should see a normalish distribution, if any type is radically overrepresented, you need to reread that chapter. (also you will see questions 14-18 in this log obvs, its the early and late questions you need to target)   3. I also went and got a free used manhattan RC. I thoroughly enjoyed contrasting it with PS RC Bible. Learning how and why they are different in approach can do alot for you. But you don't need to work through both problem sets, hence free and used.   4. You need to think about how you fatigue as you take the test. All takes should be at least 5 section tests. Take your worst section RC/LR, print a random section from another test, put it at the front! It won't factor into your score but grade it/br just so you know.   5. I like to establish my floor at some point before every official take. How would I do this? In the most masochistic way possible. In July, on top of those 5 I did like 2-3 other experimental sections first. I took a 5 minute break before starting the fiver(zero breaks between exp sections unless i have to pee rlly bad), also thats after a warmup. This shit sucks let me tell you, you will only want to do it once each official take. DO NOT DO THIS AS THE LAST ONE BEFORE YOUR OFFICIAL TAKE

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