You are NOT a ‘nonce’ if you are attracted to someone who is between the ages of 14-17.

Agreed. I was 20 and I dated 14 year old girl at one point in time. Thing is when we started dating I thought she's older, she had big breasts, not so childish face. We were together for over a year and yes it was a long distance relationship, we met a couple of times. It was wonderful, I didn't have sex with her. I promised her we won't have sex until she's completely ready for it. She couldn't resist and gave me oral so we only had oral, if that's sex anyways.

Basically I couldn't make it work. I was 20 and I looked younger than I am, she was 14 at the time and she looked older than I am. Even though her parents thought we are the same age when I met them, they didn't mind at all me being older actually they prefered it I think. They were really amazing nice people.

Why it can't work: well mental level of a 20 year old and 14 year old is extremely different, so different it's hard to compensate with anything. Thing was I was working at the gym at the time and going to the university and she was thinking all I do is flirt with girls in the gym because I'm so "handsome". It was typical childish behavior that women in my age gap wouldn't do. It was hard for me to focus on anything because she had a lot of free time after school like every student and wanted to talk to me all the time. I couldn't do it, because as I said my schedule was intense. Working 6 hours a day then going to university classes then hit the gym. All my free time left I'd spend on talking with her but she didn't appreciate it enough because she thought I actually have a lot of free time and do other things. After everything she broke up and now she hates me more than anything. She blocks me then unblocks me start talking shit then blocks me again. I wish she changed tbh, when we met irl the connection was stronger than with any other girl I've been with.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread