You are offered 10,000 dollars if you apologize to the person you hate the most in the world. Regardless of whether or not you need to apologize, you must. Would you take it or leave it and why?

I felt the exact sqme way until a couple years and a couple jobs ago when I met an employer who extorted his employees, didn't provide then with PPE, didn't even tell them that they're all working with stuff that gives them cancer if they breath it in and not a single one wore a mask or even knew of the health risks, after I started asking about it and telling people "You know this dust can give you siderosis and cancer and other stuff right?" I saw them one by one start wearing bandanas and masks, because they didn't know, even the ones working there for years.

I know he did know though, it wasn't a very small company and he'd been doing it for years.

The man threatened his own employees, the (almost) exact words out of his mouth to someone who recently broke an arm on the job: "If you hurt yourself on the job again I'm gonna fire you, then take you out into the parking lot and whoop your ass."

These weren't idle threats, I'd seen him do exactly that to others before.

I never knew hate before. Now I do. I would give my right nut to make him suffer. I've never thrown a fist in anger my entire adult life, but I would do just about anything (that didn't affect my life greatly or imprison me) to watch him cry and beg as someone beat his ass death.

This human garbage named Sal. If there's a God I pray Sal gets his punishment.

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