Are people actually interested in others as... people?

In other words, nice to fuck and for the rest of the time make his life more convenient, or at least get out of his way. The rest of her can go fuck itself. It's like nothing matters to a guy except pussy and because of that, women are indistinguishable, exchangeable.

Ok first off, you're transgender, the normal rules don't apply. Sorry.

But back to this: if 95% of men treat a girl this way, well, yeah, you're not wrong. 95% of men are like this. They like attractiveness, and they like people who are nice and stable. a) are you stable? b) why is that bad? Sounds to me like an out of date heuristic for picking a good, healthy mom. c) If you don't want that, date the other 5%.

If 100% of men treat you this way... It's not the men.

/r/thelastpsychiatrist Thread