Why are people so ready to donate millions to rebuild the Notre Dame Cathedral but are so skeptical about donating money to organizations that help eradicate world hunger and other real problems?

I think there is a big misunderstanding regarding the amounts of money required to fix a building vs the amount of money required to really fix deep seeded issues in society. People aren’t starving because the rich aren’t feeding them. People are starving because of our morals/values/politics/etc over long amounts of time. In order for problems to really get fixed, it takes loads of people getting together and voting, or waging war in revolutions, or striking, or protesting. At the end of the day, humans are more connected than they ever have been. We see all these problems in the world, yet we sit here on our $1000 phones and complain about the evil oligarchs’ unwillingness to fix all of the problems in the world. Also, the amount of money being donated to the building repairs is like a mouse farting in a hurricane relative to how much money and time that is required to “fix all the horrible issues in the world”.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent