Are people really meant to be like this?

Adam Curtis is a socialist and I highly encourage you to check out his documentaries, especially 'The Century of the Self', 'The Power of Nightmares', 'All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace', 'Bitter Lake', and of course, 'Hypernormalisation'.

Your assertion in the comment I responded to was that most everyone was happy in the USSR ignores the fact that attempts to overthrow capitalism in Russia were based on fundamental mistakes or inversions of Marxism.

The attempt was to rearrange legal and political formations believing these world undo the social relations of capitalist production.

Marx is clear that the legal and political structure of property is the effect of not cause of alienated, commodified labor. So undoing or rearranging the legal and political superstructure still leaves a system of alienated, commodified, wage labor unaltered. Bolsheviks even had a name for this, it was called "socialist accumulation".

From C.L.R. James' 'State Capitalism and World Revolution':

"True, it is as a result of the movement of private property that we have obtained the concept of alienated labor (of alienated life) in political economy. But on analysis of this concept it becomes clear that though private property appears to be the reason, the cause of alienated labor, it is rather its consequence, just as the gods are originally not the cause but the effect of man’s intellectual confusion. Later this relationship becomes reciprocal."

Communism called for the end of classes, but the Soviet Union actually had a ruling class, the Communist Party, and everyone else. In a certain sense you could even argue that the Soviet Union was a sort of "hyper capitalist" state because it seemed to achieve a near perfect two-party system, basically the government party and everyone else. So, no, most people probably weren't happy with what we socialists should see as a perversion of actual Marxist ideals.

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