Are people seriously obeying Hoogland's edict? What a dumpster fire the MtG community is.

I don't understand this. However I tried to post this in MagicTCG and got banned. However it looks like this is a logical sub so here's some back story.

I'm /u/HooglandReddit brother. Throughout his entire life he has always forced his views whether it be telling people they should use Linux, how they should handle their relationships, or what they should be permitted to say to other people. The funny thing is Jeff has always been an asshole. He tried to get my now-wife to leave me because him and I have different views on relationships and how they should be handled. Luckily my wife is awesome and told his ass off because we have the same views on relationships.

this is either a publicity stunt to try and boost his views or he is just completely brainwashed at this point. Everyone is going to be triggered or offended by something and walking on eggshells your entire life is not the answer.

He talks about being accepting and wanting to hear both sides but as soon as you oppose him he will block you and I'm not just talking about in his safe spaces. I'm talking about completely cutting off multiple members of his family because he refuses to leave certain subjects alone. Basically if you don't agree with what Jeff says then he will completely remove you from his life instead of being an adult and not talking about certain subjects that trigger him.

In addition to that he preaches about being a stay-at-home dad and all this other stuff yet his special needs son takes a bus to school because he's too lazy to drive himself. His other kid is in daycare over 40 hours a week because he's too lazy to actually take care of him. His kids literally draw all over the walls of their house. Their living room has no lights because the kids broke them due to them not watching them. They also broke their shower doors beitheu weren't being watched. There is literally food embedded in their carpets because they don't clean up after their kids. They also adopted a dog then we're going to give it back because it was "too much work".

In terms of my relationship with him the only time myself or pretty much anyone else in our family hears from him is when he needs something. He never just calls to chat like I do with my other family members and my other brother. He would only ever reach out if he needed something. Even from a young age when we were growing up he was always the one to try to get out of doing anything in terms of chores and responsibilities and when he did he would always do the bare minimum.

TLDR; Jeff is a lazy hypocrite.

/r/freemagic Thread Link -