Why are people voting for Hillary?

  1. Not many people vote in primaries. Those that do tend to be older. Older democratic voters really really want to see a female POTUS. They also are more likely to have hesitations voting for any kind of socialist or dare I say it...jew. They are also likely to be cynics and well off. They have theirs and all these young folk are just young and naive. The system and the Dems have served them well.

  2. The black vote. Black Americans (especially older black Americans) vote religiously. And they vote for dems because the pubes are racists or support racist policies. But they are not particularly liberal. They are very religious, anti communist and will vote how their congregation votes. They are also very loyal. Young blacks are more for Bernie, but they don't vote in the numbers their parents do, and even young blacks are still more religious and conservative. In the end the democratic black vote in primaries is more conservative than the white vote.

  3. Cynicism and false intellectualism. These are folks who believe that you must move to the middle and negotiate and have influence. They don't pay attention enough to notice that the dems have moved so far to the middle they are now the moderate Right. Nor do they notice that negotiation has only resulted in agreeing to oligarchy. They think they are making a practical choice.

  4. Lies and feminisms. The Bernie Bro narrative and all that definitely has some effect on some FOLKS.

  5. Narrative. Many people trust their news sources. There has been an undeniable bias in the liberal media...people are dumb and need talking heads to think for them.


  7. Unions and groups like Planned Parenthood uncharacteristically endorsed Hillary early on and thus were able to influence low information members. Many unions were bribed by Hillary for their endorsements or are run by feminists who endorsed because she is a woman. Clinton has massaged these contacts for many many years.

/r/AskBernieSupporters Thread