Are people with autism prone to idoltary, due to having special intrests?

I've got 2 kids on the spectrum, and kind of suspect I may be as well, and I've always had a pretty big problem with taking my God-given time and devoting it to some pretty hardcore hobbies.

I don't even really want to post this... it's just that I can relate so very, very well. I feel like the Holy Spirit has been poking me about this for a couple of decades, and while I approached others I trusted about this being sin somehow, they always said the same thing: "LOL, no. That's silly." It doesn't feel silly at all.

If we are to love the Lord God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, yet spend up to 10 hours a day playing World of Warcraft on my PC on my days off, I can't really say I'm doing the number one thing ever that Jesus told me to do, can I?

I've been able to quote WoW now for a few months, and I expect I'll be tempted to pick it up again. It doesn't really matter if I have a biological tendency towards additions, because God never put any asterisks in the bible that say *unless you really feel like you just HAVE to.

This is the thorn in my side, and I suspect I will never be rid of it til I'm dead. God's grace is sufficient for me.

/r/Christianity Thread