Why are statist conceptions of socilaism and communism considered legitimate?

years of sabotage, espionage, and other forms of imperialist attacks

And when these stopped happening? Conditions were not improved.

these crimes are often times extremely exaggerated and have no supporting evidence

They have plenty of supporting evidence and were serious crimes. Lenin's bolshevik party gave themselves the best rations while everyone else starved, and when the people realised and rebelled, Lenin had them crushed at Kronstadt. There were on two occasions in the USSR massive famines that, while not entirely artificial, were exacerbated by the incompetent economic policies of the bolsheviks. During WWII Stalin attempted to invade Poland which opened the door for the Nazi's sucessful invasion. During the Warsaw uprising Soviet forces left the Polish fighters to be crushed when they could have easily intervened. The Soviet Union were themselves imperialists, attempting an invasion of Finland and annexing multiple Eastern bloc countries.

Mao's incompetence led to massive famines and when he found out what was happening? He let it continue to happen.

Besides, if the pro-capitalist mouth pieces that make these claims were so honest and fair, they would no doubt acknowledge the deliberate act of the British killing 30 million people in India with an intentional famine and 10 million in the Bengal Famine of 1943. They would judge themselves by the same standard right? Then there are the deaths of 120 million in India from the development of capitalism alone from 1947 to the 1990s. And the Irish potato famine that killed 1.7 million with actually deliberate actions by British landlords to make it worse by demanding the potatoes not feed starving people, but go to England instead. And the list goes on

But when people die under capitalist leaderships, do we ever hear “capitalism killed this many amount of people” or “capitalism has caused global immiseration causing the deaths of hundreds of millions of people”? Literally, absolutely never. I never hear these phrases or anything similar said. But I hear it about communism all the time..it’s just capitalist hypocrisy at its best

This has nothing to do with the argument. Whataboutism

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