Why are you still doing mental gymnastics in 2016?

So what then?

So you commit suicide,

As Alan Watts would say.

If that was all your life really amounted to, and you simply couldn't see a future where your life isn't one of a playboy, where you roam the streets and women everywhere treat you better because of your looks - then why go on? If life is just horrible, and you've been born average looking and even after you maximise these looks you simply fail to encroach on chads success then what's the use?

But I think, that the red pill is about showing you the reality of sexual strategy and through this revealing that there can be more to life than an endless chasing of desire, attachment, validation and sex.

An average guy can absolutely get laid, regularly too. However after your first real foray into plating and having a reasonable sex life you begin to realise that if constant validation is your main goal then the work is rarely worth the candle.

Which is why hopefully after your early twenties you focus on finding out what really matters to you in life apart from validation and then begin the journey of self improvement and overcome the hurdles to forge a life that you want in the short time you have.

Good looking people will more often than not come out on top and that's just the way it is, many times I've seen women in power believe the better looking man over the dweeby one in serious matters for no other reason than sexual attraction. Halo effect is very real.

However I'd argue that this is the reason TRP is so valuable. TRP shouldn't be about banging against a brick wall over the things you can't change. It should be about waking up to the reality of sexual strategy and finally seeing what you've been doing wrong, and what you can do to improve, which for most guys who come here is usually a hell of a lot even just mentally.

But then it's about the transcendence, and perhaps slightly sad progression into the realisation that you are never going to be the guy who goes through life naturally picking up the hottest women and living the 'good' life.

And having accepted this freeing notion you are able to peruse a life where women are a side attraction. For most average looking men, women will likely come and go - good game and understanding of attraction will keep them around but you know the reality of hypergamy, its all be unveiled.

/r/TheRedPill Thread