Are stimulants supposed to help you function and provide energy, or do they just make you laser-focused on something irrelevant and cause you to waste the day? Have you ever become "too" focused? How would you avoid doing this?

First of all, do NOT take amphetamines with caffeine. NEVER DO THIS. It's a literal recipe for disaster — you feel icky and on edge all day. Also 20-30mg of what? If it's Vyvanse, it's probably worth taking if you feel it helps; if that's Adderall XR, you need to stop that immediately (actually taper it off since you don't want any adverse effects from going cold turkey). That is way too high a dose if you're trying to use it for the nootropic effects.

Also, don't take speed for euphoria. Use weed for that. The euphoria wears off super quickly and amphetamines harm your brain way more if they're used to get high than THC does.

I'd recommend either quit taking the amphetamines or quit the coffee. If you care about your brain, you'd quit the amphetamine since withdrawals can last weeks. Slow-release therapeutic amphetamine like Vyvanse can actually help much more with focus without the peakiness of Adderall so you can quit taking it at will and not have to deal with the side effects, but it's expensive and harder to get a prescription. I have ADHD so I have a legitimate use for amphetamines but if you're using it with caffeine it increases side effects dramatically. I only drink decaf tea these days.

If the speed isn't working for procrastination, I'm afraid it's a behavioral problem and not a neurological one. No amount of speed, caffeine, or ginseng can get rid of that, trust me — I know from experience. It requires a shift in the way you think. Some people have success changing their mindset on their own, but if they don't, cognitive-behavioural therapy works wonders for it. I'd consider seeking a therapist maybe?

/r/Nootropics Thread