Are you subscribed to pairs of opposite subreddits (for lack of a better term)?

I moderated /r/suicidewatch and /r/depression for almost 8 years, and also /r/righttodie . I've been a regular contributor to /mommit, /parenting/, some of the multiple birth subreddits, and also moderator of a subreddit providing support for women seeking abortions. I've been on a number of sex/women/mens subreddits, canadian/american/british/irish, many, many book/writing subreddits etc., and I don't usually find that there is a conflict. I am who I am, and a lot of subreddits welcome views that aren't necessarily partisan in favour of the thrust of that subreddit. I do try not to be obnoxious, and I read some subreddits and just shake my head, but I find that as long as a subreddit is fairly small and well-moderated there is a fair amount of room to respectfully disagree with majority opinions or have some healthy debate.

I haven't found those interests and moderation duties contradictory. Having dealt with depression and suicidal thoughts for most of my life, I think that I did good work in /suicidewatch and /depression before they became untenable because of trolls targeting submitters. I think that there's a difference between people wanting to end their life because they can't see a way out, or can't find any resources, and people who are dealing with end of life issues that aren't imaginable to most of us. I believe that it's important to provide safe and useful information for women who are seeking an abortion, and I also got a huge kick today out of seeing a woman who I'd hooked up with resources to carry her first child, announce on instagram that she and her (now) husband were having their 3rd. She didn't think that she could manage to parent a child, I hooked her up with some resources, and there they are.

/r/AskWomen Thread