Are there any actually good star wars youtubers?


Also, and this might be a dumb, super-idiosyncratic reason to stop watching a YouTube channel, but when someone is going to talk about a fictional universe like Star Wars full of fantasy terms, and they can't pronounce ANY of those terms right, it--TO ME--just shows a lack of care, a lack of interest, maybe a lack of appreciation, for the very material you are discussing. After the third mispronunciation, I don't care if you're making good points, you've lost all credibility with me.

(And for the record, I'm not sure I've ever watched a Generation Tech video where they said ANYTHING substantive, but it's been awhile.)

And look, as far as I can tell, the Generation Tech guy doesn't seem to have any kind of speech impediment or accent that would be interfering with his English--or his fantasy/sci-fi terminology pronunciation, for whatever reason. He just can't get those terms right. It just seems like he doesn't care at all to get that stuff right--and besides, the last time I tried watching a video, I'm pretty sure they got some of the lore wrong, so whatever. If they're not going to try, then why should I?

Maybe this is just an annoying, idiosyncratic pet peeve of mine, but it drives me nuts.

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