Are there any EQ Matching software/plugins with 50-100+ bands?

If you use that many bands you will get crazy phasing unless you boost/cut really subtle but in that case you will barely hear a difference between 24 bands or 100 bands.

I've never had phasing issues with Fab Filter Pro Q2, granted, I only EQ match identical instrument sources. I never get good results matching 2 different instrument sources.

For instance, with Pro Q2, I took an acapella of a famous rapper, and then took (crappy) video-audio of him rapping on camera. Obviously the camera audio sounded like garbage, however when I EQ matched the camera audio with the processed acapella recorded through high end gear, the camera audio sounded incredible - it still sounded low quality detail wise, but had all that really nice upfront and balanced presence you would expect from a high end recording. Never did I think that sound could be replicated with just a camera.

I've tested this between 4 very different cheapish microphones that I own and that result was pretty similar when using strictly my own voice. So, I plan to go to a professional studio soon and record with multiple $5,000+ microphones and and then mess around with with EQ matching those. I realize I won't be able to get the same level of detail out of my cheap microphones, but the overall EQ curve should be able to get pretty damn close to the overall sound. It's going to be fun.

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