Are there any law schools that are significantly more elite than their undergraduate colleges?

Oh yeah definitely interesting. And just to clarify I wasn’t personally telling you that you didn’t make any sense, I was more directing that at Spivey. My bad.

But for instance (because this definitely is interesting) that jump at George Mason is not nearly as big as it looks. In fact, it’s not much of a jump at all. The 115th ranked undergraduate program in the country is at about the 20th percentile of all undergrad institutions, which is actually the exact same percentile as a 40th ranked law school - which is where GMU is. So rather than being a discrepancy, it’s law school is about the same caliber as it’s undergrad. It’s pretty 1:1.

But the UNC gap you mentioned is actually quite large. The 30th ranked undergrad program would put it at about the 2nd percentile - really high. A 45th ranked law school is more in that 25th percentile range. So the discrepancy there is not small.

Penn State has a big gap like this too. It’s law college is fairly mediocre compared to its undergrad. Something like Top 5 percentile (UG) to 35th (Law). So there are definite gaps but not exactly the ones that pop off the page at you with Spivey’s analysis.

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