Are there any similarities between bpd and bipolar?

My main opinion about BPD is that, to me, its a deeply ingrained belief system about oneself - and is a constant, rather than an interchangeable and fluctuating mood - being flawed and unlovable at the core that affects one emotionally, neurologically, mentally, and also physically (from stress). Its often been compared to or referred to as a "complex" type of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder...

I have truly frightened away friends who have Bipolar disorder...they absolutely could not relate to me over a period of time (years) in which they witnessed my various thought patterns, emotional meltdowns, day to day way of being, my reactions to various experiences, daily emotional well as the amount of dysfunction, stress, and outcomes in my life...

...i think the intensity, insidious nature, and deep rooted dysfunctional mechanisms of BPD are beyond Bipolar disorder. BPD is like...a splitting of the way I have experienced it and have learned about. Rather than a mood disorder like Bipolar is.

A lot of disorders are comorbid with BPD as you likely know-

To me, BPD is a way of being, and everything else follows suit. I view disorders like Aspergers and personality disorders that are comorbid with BPD as being on the same "level" as BPD....because they are a constant, while the mood disorders (depression, bipolar) that are comorbid with BPD seem to be variable because they "lift" once in a while...while ADHD, Aspergers and NPD, APD and such are a constant.

If i won the lottery, Id be instantly the very short term. Beneath that, i'd still feel and truly believe im an unlovable piece of shit, questioning my existence and mourning the fact that im alive. lol.

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