Are there any women in computer programming that have the same shitty experience as me?

Not me but a friend from college: first year she was a comp sci major, one of three girls in her classes. I remember at the start she was really talkative and excited about it, then after a couple weeks she started noticing her main prof was treating her and the girls different from the guys in class, calling on them less, making comments about her looks (she was very pretty), sneering if she got something wrong, being nasty and unhelpful in general when she went to his office hours...He was the only one teaching some basic level course and over the course of a few months I watched this smart, enthusiastic chick become more and more withdrawn, nervous and unconfident as the prof told her over and over she wasn't suited for comp sci, even when she was pulling high grades. pretty soon the other two girls dropped the major and so did my friend after the first semester, she ended up doing pharmacology instead.

FWIW I hope you stay in in your program if you love it! It sucks to watch someone give up on their dream.

/r/TheBluePill Thread