Why are there extreme groups such as ISIS, Jihad, and others yet Christians often don't?

Extreme groups lie in every corner. Jews have an extremist group called the Levi and the ADL and the JDL. Hindus have an extreme group called RSS. Christians also have violent groups. These groups are so extreme they will even practice austerity in their own families instead of just being against people not like them.

Islamic extremist groups are the most well known. They have more powerful movements than anyone else. And here lies the conundrum: groups like hamas and hezbollah are democratically elected but most against the western agenda so they are most reviled. Yet their support comes to them because they are very rational too.

Isis is not as bad as previous western supported dictators. But they are the most reviled. Even conservative Islam is described negatively because it is not aligned with the interests of the west. Yet liberal Islam is most liked in the west.

/r/exmuslim Thread