Are there moments from your childhood that you can point to that indicated that you would grow up to be a rationalist?

Agreed, I feel like there are often are any time people talk about divinities of various sorts. I've always been quite suspicious of any argument premised on the assumption that we could know even the mind of another human being thoroughly, much less an entirely alien mind that supposedly exists on a scale that dwarfs our own.

Interestingly enough I find this to both be an objection to traditional religious ideas (e.g. natural theology) as well as traditional objections to religion (the argument from evil).

I always thought that an approach like apophatic theology, primarily associated with mysticism in Eastern Orthodox traditions, to at least have the correct epistemological posture. (Apophatic theology holds that one can't make positive statements that are true about big 'G' God; at most, the only statements that can be made that are true are assertions about what God is not; God is not evil, God is not limited, etc.)

I don't hold any propositional beliefs about the existence of deities-- that is, I'm agnostic-- but I still think theology is a pretty interesting subject.

Long tangent! Sorry, mate.

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