Why are tomato prices so high rn

Rain ? Rotting of tomatoes ? You really believe all that bs. I’ll tell you the real reason why. The real reason is New Year. Yes, to be more precise Christian New Year. I was just scrolling through Quint after jerking off to dhruv ghaati and came through this intelligent post in which the quint smartly figured it out that it’s none other than the fascist dictator of India modi behind this. He and his hindutva goons smashed many innocent farmers and their tomato fields. This resulted in scarcity of tomatoes and their price rocketing up so much that poor Christians of this country who mostly prepare tomato soup on christmas and new year will not be able to afford it and as the lia… i mean the wire claims, 10 % will die of starving and the rest 90 % in depression. This also has to do something with economy, I don’t know guys, something happens and the stock market crashes, as told by alleged journalist burkha dutt. Guess I’ve done my duty of waking up the poor innocent people of this country, I’ll get back to having my Olive Oil-Confit Chicken With Cipollini Onions now as i really could not afford those tomatoes.

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