Are the TR really as bad as everyone says?

I am an ex-TR who's now decently highish BR on another faction.

It's not as bad as I originally thought, but the issues I have with TR remain enough to keep me away from the faction for now.

Generally, I think TR trades too much for their extra rounds per mag, and would be better off with some options that don't make such trade-offs regardless. Better TTK and/or accuracy/recoil stats are more important for many players than some leeway when it comes to bullets/mag. Plus, TR has fairly high reloads on top of that.

Individually, there are just better weapons on NC and/or VS in some key categories. LMG, TR kinda sucks - Orion / Betel / SVA / Anchor are just better than Carv / MSW-R. Basically all 167 dmg LMGs are better than any of TR's lower RoF 143dmg LMGs. (I'd say most lower RoF 143 dmg guns are just generally kinda weaksauce aside from NS)

SMGs, TR also sucks. The Armistice spits out bullets fast but it just makes it easy to waste bullets especially since it's got pretty harsh horizontal recoil. And Hailstorm's lower RoF relative to Blitz/ Sirius just isn't worth its extra rounds on already high capacity style weapon. Personally, I just used NS SMGs when I played TR.

Carbines and ARs are where they shine by a small margin if only for the 40 rounds in a game with a lot of Heavy Assaults that can soak up a 30 round mag in a medkit dance. Still, a 167 dmg 30 round mag and decent aim is often > a less accurate gun w/40 round mag.

There's also a lack of long range AV weapons, which has been discussed to death. Striker sucks, Fractures suck. Nothing comparable to Lancers and definitely not anywhere close to Ravens.

On the flip side, however, I miss some things. TR definitely has some underrated goodies.

Prowler is a monster for a solo farmer. I am not the most team-player oriented person and prefer to solo-tank and do my own thing, and the prowler's super-main cannon is ideal for that. Yes, Lockdown isn't as exciting and interesting to use as Vanguard/Magburn and just the Prowler in general doesn't favor as much of a mobile play-style. But you know, it's hard to mind too much when you're in some sweet spot raking in XP with your crazy damage output.

Pounders are also so much better for farming than Comets it's just depressing. I miss Pounders more than anything else on TR. They're simply amazing for anti-MAX/anti-infantry role, and on occasion you can really pour damage into close range/stationary vehicles as well.

The Repeater is a great pistol. I would argue it may be the only pistol worth using over an NS Revolver at this point, outside of very niche loadouts perhaps. The TTK at close range is just nice. I've extended some out-of-primary-ammo situations with it far beyond what I'd expect with most other side-arms.

/r/Planetside Thread