Why are very conservative people so scared of DC?

I mean this is totally some strange kind of bait, but I'll bite.

What makes you think people that are age old conservatives have changed what it means to be a conservative?

You can be a conservative and think Trump was a fucking moron. You can be a conservative and hate that it's him or Biden and you know he'll do more to further your agenda than Biden so oh well.

Trumpers aren't necessarily even conservatives. That man woke up things in people that hardly espouse actual conservative values or whatever.

Since you're loosely suggesting it - What are you implying has changed about conservative values since Trump? A president lasts 8 years max - I'd laugh if ones core values only lasted 8 years (unless due to adapting to new information obviously)

Because this is Reddit - I voted for Biden. I do hold at least one conservative value though and Trump has nothing to do with that. (I'm left of center, but a two dimensional scale is hardly adequate with so many issues)

/r/washingtondc Thread Parent