'Why are white people worried about becoming a minority?' Simple question in r/politics spawns major debates

I get so freaking mad at how intellectually lazy racists are. Like, they go about one or two steps into analyzing a problem, come up with a solution they find comfortable and in line with their world view, and just stop there.

Do they ever wonder why the poorest parts of towns are the shittiest, regardless of who lives there? Do they ever bother to think beyond the fact that minorities live there and question why they are there? Ever think on this subject enough to realize that the culture of poverty is a problem, that the gap between the upper and lower classes is staggering, that the middle class is vanishing, that social ladder climbing in the US is pretty much impossible in the span of a single generation and that most minorities are first or second generation American, meaning their families haven't had the time to progress in their social standing?

Or how about the fact that slavery only ended 7 generations ago, and when it ended, freedmen still couldn't get an education, own property, receive medical care, run a business or even find work most places. The majority of freedmen were forced to go back to plantations and work for the least amount of money their bosses could get away with paying them, what we would ironically call "slave wages" today. It took until the 20th century for black people to even start to get the tools they needed to improve their social standing in America. Hell, the US didn't fully segregate until the 1990s (I shit you not)! When you start out on such uneven footing, it's no surprise some people get left in the dust.

Take a white American, take away everything he has financially, drop him in a foreign country where he may not speak the language, and leave him to his own devices. Then see how successful he becomes. Better yet, see how many generations it takes before their family is able to climb out of poverty. I can guarantee you short of incredible luck, they will be wallowing in squalor just like those stuck in our inner cities here in the US.

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