Are women actually feeling like their life clock is running out if their not in a long term relationship by 30+?

That’s why I feel like in OLD, I can easily find people who don’t want kids. But you are right

Just to round it off I will say tho. That I and lot's of my friends, classmates and what not claimed we didn't want kids in our 20.

I'm hard pressed to think of a single one that didn't have kids.

I'm not an MD, but I work in national statistics. When I had my first kid both me and the missus where 35 (back in 2008).

If you look at the stats then the percentage of childless women aged 35 was 19,6 percent. These days it's 21,5.

So an increase, but a very small one.

Also age of 50 where fertility is definately over the percentage of childless women has even gone from down from 12.6 to 12.3 percent since 2008

Off course, we are talking about women in their 30s now, so we need another 20 years of stats, but seems like the downwards spiral has stopped. Women are getting their kids later and later, but over the last 15 years it currently doesn't look like fewer women are having kids.

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