So are Yoda, Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, etc. just complete idiots? Why can literally every character in the SW universe see the faults of the Jedi except them?

The reason why Star Wars is getting wrecked is, unironically, because the current creators don't respect the prequels.

Why no politics or explaining literally anything in the ST? Because prequels. Why more Rebels/Empire instead of something new? Because prequels. Why Luke turn into Jake? Because prequel Jedi bad. Why no PT content in Battlefront 1? Deh preqles.

Why is nearly all NuEU stuff either ST garbage or OT stuff? Perqles ebil.

It's because boomers and GenXers are running/ruining the franchise, and only consider three pieces of content to be "canon" in their minds: Star Wars (1977), The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. And while these are all fine movies, it's not all that Star Wars is. Since the 90's, first with the post-RotJ novels, then prequels, the entire Star Wars universe had an explosion of content in the form of comics, books, cartoons, video games, and just about anything you could think of, spanning a timeline over 37,000 years! Star Wars ceased to be this small trilogy a long time ago, and the prequels are a huge part of that.

Yet the current stewards and creators of the franchise can't see beyond this tiny 4 year window in the canon, and think that everything has to be, eternally, Empire and Rebels. TBH, you can't move Star Wars into the future without understanding its past, which is why the sequels are absolute failures of a continuation. It's like the old saying goes: those who don't learn their history are doomed to repeat it.

/r/saltierthancrait Thread