why aren’t my followers seeing my videos! I have 151k+ followers yet my videos struggle to hit 1k views my video can pop up on fyp but not show for my followers? Anyone know how to fix this

I view this as a simple answer; if views are declining then you as the creator are responsible and accountable for that the decline. It is expected the algorithm is going to change, it’s artificial intelligence after all, forever learning, growing, and changing over time. This is content creator 101, never expect the algorithm to cater to you simply because your previous style has been successful, or even worse because you feel it should cater to you.

One of many things to consider when getting into this kind of work is the viewer to creator ratio on any social platform. Tiktok was (in my opinion still is) at a phenomenal level of low number of creators with high number of viewers. Understandably, the number of creators goes up as the app becomes more popular and the viewer base may flatten out or eventually decrease years down the road. Adapt, create, experiment with new video styles, and to everyone out there saying it’s the algorithm or tiktok being shitty, ask yourself when was the last time you tried anything new or watched a YouTube video on video editing/tried to learn anything new? ✌️

/r/Tiktokhelp Thread Link - i.redd.it