We aren’t terrified enough about losing the Amazon: Scientists aren’t sure if there’s a tipping point, or how close we are to it – but it would be “absolutely catastrophic” if we cross it. “Even if it’s a remote possibility, we cannot afford to ignore it”.

Those dont seem like very good sources for how soy is used...I hope you can see that, too.

I'll have to do my own research later. Just a quick google search shows that China is buying most of Brazil's soybeans and that Brazil is the top exporter or soy in the world and the rate of increase in soy exports has correlated strongly with deforestation...this data is from the OEC, so it's a reputable source.

But, yea, I'm at work, so I'll dig in later. I recommend you do the same because it seems like you are answering questions you dont know the answer to, and that's usually a sign that your answers are motivated by ideology, not sound research.

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