Arena “Fixed”

February was about when I started playing arena "for real" too. I was progressing with the great hall missions and trying to stay ahead of them so I wouldn't get stuck for days at a time.

I had Seeker, Stag/Tayrel/Zargala (dep on affinity), Skullcrown and Bigun. I touched Platinum a couple times, but not long enough to finish there during a reset.

I've held gold 4 since, as long as I am actively playing. If I don't get to arena fast enough on Monday I can drop to Gold 2. But see if a team can make it into G4 and maintain it, it's not hard to climb back there after some days of neglect.

Team changes over the last two months: Bigun out, Arbiter in. Affinity-based debuffers out, Venus in. The players on this team get the absolute best gear my account has.

I actively farm Fire Knight (now that Arbiter is 350 before aura) for gear as often as possible to stay competitive. If I'm not replacing a couple pieces of gear a week, on any of those champs, I'm not keeping up.

/r/RaidShadowLegends Thread