Why aren't we normalising the word "f**k-zoned"?

Disclaimer, I'm a guy

This doesn't make sens, I might be cynic but any (at least the vast vast majority) friendships boy-girl, the guy wouldn't say no to the girl wanting intimacy even if she's not his type

On a guy mindset, most girl are in the "f-zone" by default, doesn't mean they aren't perfectly capable of having a boy-girl friendship, not act like a predator, be perfectly ok if nothing never happen and not try to act on it, but still you have been f-zoned by most men you know unless you want to narrow your definition a lot

That's just how men's brain work, I don'f personally see this being problematic but it seems wishful thinking on women side to hope men don't think like that, it's also not about seing women as a fucktoy, it's just that criteria as to who sould make a suitable mating partner is vastly different on both side, men's bar being vastly lower, honestly It's probably just biology

women have to be "careful choosing who's going to fertilize their egg" their genetic material is assured by default, their challenge is to make sure to take care of the child afterwards so their challenge is to choose the right partner to get most chance of survival for their child, they must be picky

men have to compete with a lot of other men to get their genetic material to the next generation sand would be willing to take any chance they can get, I've seen theories that the human oversized glans is to scoop out whatever semen would be in the women's vagina to take care of competition

But that's just my psychopop biology explanation to a widespread men's my mindset

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread