Argentine kids thought they were badasses and decided to fight a cop. Of course we know what usually happens afterwards..

"'if not" means that they 'may be' considered to be, but are not necessarily

yes and literally means literally but do you hear people use literally literally?

the point is, people use things "wrongly" and usually when someone, in the english language mind you, says that "just as, if not more" they in fact, just mean more, but want to exaggerate. in this case, they were exaggerating the girls actions

english is my first language, i just dont really care enough to fix my grammer

and even if it wasnt my first language and i have bad grammer, does it matter? im willing to bet that you realized you were wrong, but are looking for little things to try and discredit me so you feel less stupid

So, judging by your attempt to sound smart and very literate you have an inflated ego. Is that correct or do you just want to feel smart?

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