Argentine Nobel Prize winner to Obama: Don't visit March 24, because it's the 40th anniversary of a coup that installed a military government that had U.S. backing

If you rationally and objectively look at the stances that republican congressmen have taken and the votes they've cast over the last, say, 15 years, you'll see that they've not done any "proper way to do it", assuming your "it" also means providing Americans with healthcare and education.

Your entire premise is flawed to begin with. Why exactly do you think congressional approval has sunk down below 15% among Republicans? Why do you think Donald Trump is doing so well among voters, despite the desperate attacks from establishment, hawkish neocons and plutocrats? Why is the military industrial complex freaking out about a Trump taking a hardline on Saudi Arabia and our nation-building ways? Why are they pumping millions of dollars into Rubio's campaign in an attempt to stop him? It's because we, as Republican and disillusioned voters alike, are sick of their policies as well.

We don't think that public college should be free, because we understand why college is so expensive in the first place. When the federal government guarantees loans for everyone to take out and charge outrageous interest rates, the university can hire useless administrators with 6 figure salaries, such as a plethora of diversity officers that do nothing for the betterment of education, and bill the students through increased tuition. Then the next batch of students protest tuition hikes, and the wheel goes 'round. Why don't you leftists protest college president salaries the way you protest CEO salaries? Why do you take out loans for humanities degrees that won't benefit you in this post-industrialized economy? Don't you think that if we moved towards a free college system, a European-style meritocracy system would follow, which would erase the gains made through affirmative action?

Why do you think that Republicans are some boogeyman rich white guys out to get the poor? Over 60% of billionaires donate to the Democratic Party, millionaires are overwhelmingly supporting Hillary and Rubio this election cycle. Politics isn't black&white, and bigger government means bigger corruption, which enriches the already-rich more.

We are voting Trump because the status quo has failed the middle class. Black teens have a 50% unemployment rate because of low-wage immigration, and STEM majors struggle finding work in some sectors because of H1-B visas. Trump wants to end this, and give our already indebted graduates a chance to succeed.

If you think simply increasing taxes to fund more programs will somehow help the lower and middle classes dramatically, then you are sorely misguided. Maybe read something other than ThinkProgress and HuffPo for once.

What has Obama done to address rising income inequality? Has he even posited auditing the Federal Reserve? No. Has he stopped spending money in the Middle East? No, we are currently in more wars than when he took office, and he's killed twice as many people via drone strikes than Bush did.

The actual effects of Republican policy (regardless of what catchphrase is used to describe it) is to decrease the quality of life of poor Americans to the benefit of rich Americans.

The last Republican mayor in each respective major city, and their last date in office: Baltimore-1963, Chicago-1927, Minneapolis-1973, Detroit-1962, Philly-1948, St. Louis-1949. I could go on for ages. You want to complain about quality of life in these areas and somehow blame Republicans? These are the cities that are protested in for unarmed black men getting shot, and somehow "racist" white conservatives take the blame instead of the person responsible for the oversight of the police force.

Part of this is decreasing the economic mobility of the poor in the US. Because it is very difficult for an American poor person to get out of poverty, such Republican policies are making the American dream harder to achieve.

So it is Republican policies that imported low-wage workers to completely replace our lower working-class, and implementing the H1-B visa program, which leads to wage depression, out-sourcing, and age-discrimination? No, this was Democrats. Was it Republicans that signed NAFTA into law? No, that was Bill Clinton. Was it Republicans that are proposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership? No, that's Obama, and Trump wants to correct all of these disastrous deals to benefit the American worker.

Continue to use Republicans as a bogeyman to make yourself do better, whatever helps you sleep at night. The rest of us will be making America great again, with or without you.

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