Arguments over the Bible

Not at all what I'm saying. The Bible is 100% truth. What I'm saying is that God talks to us individually through the Bible. When I think of God as personally guiding me, which He is, I feel a lot more special than if he just left me alone to figure out life by myself. He's not some big guy in the sky, His spirit is within all of us, personally guiding us. We may not all recognize that.

What I'm saying is that we should be coming together to build bridges. Us believers always have that common ground that we find in Jesus. There's no need to argue over what the Bible does or doesn't mean. If we want to find truth we'll open our hearts and take that leap of faith in certain areas of life and we WILL find it. Truth is truth but the way that truth integrates within each of our lives is personal, unique, and different. We all bring that uniqueness together to form the body of Christ, the community.

I also believe that God's word is more authoritative than human emotion. But Jesus was a human just like you and me, he felt the same emotions we do. That is why we relate to Him and that is why He speaks to us through heartache, deaths, and tragedy as well as through moments of rejoicing such as marriage, childbirth, friendships, love and happiness.

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