Ariel posts explanation of events leading up to UFC targeting Jones vs Gus at 232. Gus vs Yoel no longer being attempted for 230. Main event for MSG still up in the air

Sonovabitch. If they strip DC and make Gus and Jon fight for that title we're officially over the shark. This is pro wrestling with real fighting, they're not even attempting to hide behind anything but storyline now. Of course they loved storylines in the Fertitta era but it never this explicit extent, to my knowledge.

One of the bigger problems I think were getting into now is what we tell fighters not to do: "Looking through the fight to the next opponent while ignoring whats going on right in front of you". And it's not a "We have this path if this guy wins and this if this guy wins", No, it's "This is who we want to push, and oh wait... he lost? uhhh what do we do with this other guy we haven't been paying attention to at all."

The closer this goes to pro wrestling the less I watch. I miss when they'd put their money and promotion behind their champs even when Dana would publicly out them for their 'bad' fights.

This shit is bananas.

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