ARK Guide: How To Solo Wipe Alpha Tribes.

In the spirit of countering counters:

Your title is really misleading, none of the things you have covered here would even go part way to wiping an alpha tribe or even a mid level tribe.

They already have.

Any decent base is going to have their dinos housed or enough plant x and guard dinos set up up to deal with titanboas or any other carryable dino being dropped in their base.

You'd be surprised how many times an alpha sets up on twin towers and pumps water via a lone stone intake pipe. Also, virtually every large base I've seen has blind spots. You can also crack the PIN code on the door in a day solo, less with friends. The ten second timer is per person, per pinned object.

Scattering single foundations around the map? You do know they will simply despawn in around 12 hours unless you maintain them all, pretty hard to maintain across multiple maps on a cluster.

Sunken beds.

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