Ark Survival Evolved Unofficial/Private Server list - Recruit here! (Part 5)

ARK: pwnPecanGaming Low-Tech PvP x2 EXP/Taming (Minimally Modded) Discord: IP: Map: The Center Location: Dallas, TX Mods: Small Dragons: http://steamcommunit...s/?id=519998112 Herbivore Prime Equivalent: http://steamcommunit...s/?id=760199681 Primitive Survival Equipment+: http://steamcommunit...s/?id=727103191 Ark Server Rules Meant to be challenging and not an easy ride to the top. I am looking to reach a crowd of players that enjoy a little less grind than an Official Server, but still want to work for what they want. An experience without RPGs, advanced weaponry, ext...a more realistic human vs. the wild experience.

General Info: Player Level: 60 Max (Can level to 61-75, but with real high exp costs.) Wild Dinos are also maxed out at lvl 90 (wild). Player/Dino Levels are kept low for balance and to help slightly prevent god-like players. Engram Max: 1010 Max (Can gain an additional 500 pts by lvl 75) Most Advanced Weapons, Armors, Structures (including all Metal Structures), ext. are banned. x2 EXP Gain - To promote advancement. x2 Taming - To promote raiding. x2 Hatching - To promote breeding. All stats are subject to change as these are tested and the community grows.

General Rules: No abuse of glitches. No cheating or use of hacks/programs that gives an advantage over others. No spamming chat messages. Wait until your message is 10 messages old before reposting. No blatant racism or disrespect against anyone...but do not play if you can't take a joke. (Sh** talking is OK and so is some vulgarity pertaining to the game.) The ban hammer may be weilded against those that break any rule if the server's owner feels the need to do so. ALL RULES are subject to change and be interpreted at the owner's discretion.

Saddles: If platform saddles are obtained, no builing seige weapons upon them. Structures on platform saddles are not allowed to be more than 3 structures wide in any direction. Do not build upon saddles to block damage to the glithcing.

Taming: Taming Pens must be demolished after the tame is complete or fails. No excuses. No more than 30 idle tames per player/tribe within max view distance. *Idle tames are tames that are not being ridden or set to follow.

Bases: No cave blocking or resource blocking in a way that prevents spawns of valuable resources (Metal, Crystal, Obsidian, Beaver Dams, ext.) Temporary building in caves is allowed if the path is not blocked with structures, manned/auto-turrets/plants, or tames. (This rule may change if abused.) Temporary buildings are not to be bigger than 1 x 1 x 1 structures. Temporary cave buildings can not be left standing for more than 1 full in-game day before being open to a wipe (that structure only). Floating Bases are not allowed.

Raiding: No "jailing" of players for more than 2 in-game days. They must be killed or released. They are not to be recaptured for a full in-game day unless provoked. No raiding of non-tribe players under level 15 unless provoked. No raiding of non-tribe structures that do not break any rules. This rule only protects Thatch structures no larger than 2 (width) x 2 (length), x 1 (height)...unless provoked. No killing of tames under level 35, unless provoked. Tames that are safely confined into the mentioned "Protected Thatch" structures are not to be raided unless provoked. A raid will be considered to last 24 hours. No raiding a tribe/player again for 24 hours. Counter raiding is allowed, within these rules. Admins may raid as an event, to keep one tribe from bullying the whole server, to wipe old structures, or to have a fun way of destroying griefers/rule breakers. Abusing the "Provoke" clause may put you and your tribe up for disciplinary action.

Other Rules: An arena and small local will be set up at a later date. This location is not to be raided at risk of being wiped/banned. The players are in control beyond this and can set their own "community rules" as they see fit. Admin has final say in all affairs.*

To help keep the server running, please donate @ Feedback and reports will be taken @ All stats are temporary until the server population grows.*

PLEASE INFORM ME HERE IF THERE ARE ANY PROBLEMS GETTING INTO THE SERVER. I was able to join successfully, but others may have issues.

Thank you for you time.

/r/ARK Thread