Armchair Generals Are Marching India Into Trouble

Some other interesting comments on the Article on India Pak just abov it:

Keith_Fenton • It's difficult to be sympathetic to Pakistan, that duplicitous state that harbored Osama bin Laden mere miles from that nation's West Point, and that undoubtedly continues to provide sanctuary to Ayman al-Zawahiri, the current leader of al-Qaeda. Pakistan also refused to hand over the mastermind behind the 2001 terror attack on India's parliament, perpetrated by two Pakistani-based terror organizations. Islam is a religion of war, and Pakistan, a failed state by any reasonable measure, continues to foment trouble for India and Afghanistan because it knows no other way to conduct inter-state relations with non-Muslim societies, or even with those of the same religion. 03/08/19


R. Singh • USA speaks, as usual one may add, with forked tongue.

Let us keep in mind that the paki terror state was created by USA and the British, when they used the Islmamicist Religion card, to support a Feudal- MIlitary state, also known as a dictatorship.

The USA could have refused to provide the military toys, Patton Tanks, Sabres, F16 etc to terrorstan-\pakistan

Who on earth did the US ploiticains think they would be used against, China?

US thought it cute to create the Taliban, (Islamic students) from the Islamic Religious Seminaries, called Madrassas.

The Taiban jihadis were simply a cover for theregular Pakistani army to attack the Russian forces.

It fooled no one, despite the best efforts of the USA.

Now the USA is tryng to paint itself as an honest broker?

The author and this media outfit, need to stop pontificatig and address the terrorism problem

The US people are a victim too, not just the people of Afghanistan, Balochistan, Bharath.


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