Armed minorities are harder to oppress

Most places...

It's not about MOST you fucking retard, stop pretending you can't fucking understand plain English HOLY FUCK. Shut the fuck up. Just shut the fuck up and stop being an intellectually bankrupt subhuman.

It doesn't even fucking remotely take "most" of anything to affect public perception and you fucking know it.

Fuck off.

youre advocating for open declarations of non-rascism...

No I'm not and you fucking know it you fucking retard. You don't actually believe that. Stop fucking pretending to believe that. An indeterminate number of gun shops have racist signs. Another commenter and i pointed out the fact that this is bad. Not even remotely the fucking same and you fucking know it. Stop gaslighting.

dishonest by you.

The only dishonest one here is you blatantly lying about what has and hasn't been said in this conversation. If you're not racist then why are you so outlandishly bitter that you're willing to tell me I've said things I haven't, just to retaliate against me pointing to an example of racism and saying "that's bad"

No one has said not to call out racism.

Yes. You have. All the other commenter and i said was "hey here's an example of racism and it should be called out as bad, people shouldn't do this racist thing" and you've responded "stop doing that, you're pandering"

Dont move the goal posts to make yourself a martyr.

Literally the only person doing this is you holy fuck your mental gymnastics are mind boggling, how do you get dressed in the morning?

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