Arms update (ver 1.10) is live now

You can. From the main menu, go to Friends/1P > Create Lobby

From here, you’ll have two types of lobbies to choose from:

  • Party: Fight in a variety of stages and modes using customizable rules. Maximum of 10 consoles per lobby.

  • Arena: Take turns fighting in one-on-one matches while everyone else spectates. Maximum of 4 playersw per lobby.

Choose the lobby you want to create.

Then, get your friends to go to Friends/1P on their own consoles and select your name from the menu.

As the host, you can set the rules for the lobby. These options include:

Party: You can choose from a selection of presets or make a custom ruleset of your own. You can change:

  • The number of ₳ needed to win

  • Which game modes can appear

  • The number of players allowed in each game mode

  • Whether or not items can appear

  • Whether or not streak bonuses (Lucky Break/Win Streak Challenge) can occur

  • Which stages can appear

Arena: There are no presets for Arena lobbies. You can change:

  • Which stages can appear
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